Monday, July 8, 2013


JULY 4, 2013

I am attaching a message sent to all my contacts in the administration during the events yesterday. Please feel free to distribute and share it as you see fit. 

The reports of a "coup" in Egypt are a blatant attempt at manipulating the facts to support the Muslim Brotherhood. The military, responding to an estimated 17 million demonstrators called for an effort at inclusiveness by the MB which was summarily rejected. The military has put the widely respected leading judicial authority in charge of the country for an interim period until a new constitution can be formed and a new election process can be undertaken. 

Far from staging a coup, the military moved to assure a peaceful transition to a new democratic process. 

Below is a plea from one of America's greatest fans and the recipient of the Legion of Merit, our highest military award that can be presented to a foreign national. 

Today is a great day in Egypt's journey towards democracy. Do not let yourself be "spun" without learning the facts
Begin forwarded message:

Subject: happy 4th of july
Dear Brother

I am writing to wish you and the American Nation all the best in your celebration of the Independence Day.
It marks the gate to the American democracy that all Egyptians aspire to hopefully attain.
Since i came back i'v been telling the people around me about how supportive U.S is,and what the people of the U.S do for the good of the Egyptian.However the attitude and comments of the U.S government create a discrepancy between what happens and what i say.
Please remember Egypt in your prayers. It is a tough time  to my nation, were millions of people went into the streets and squares of Egypt to maintain the Egyptian identity, and to attain democracy, requesting the military support. As President Obama mentioned democracy is not only about elections but about how an elected leader works with an opposition and treats minority groups. And this is what Egyptians aspire.
It is heart breaking to see some of the media portraying the military request from the presidential institution to listen to the people as a coup de Tate.
The Egyptian military is part of the social fabric of the Egyptian nation, and has always been there to it's people, with no greed of power.
Please accept my heartily congratulations in such a glorious day, and keep Egypt in your prayers.
 your Brother
 MG Mohamed Elkeshky
Egyptian MOD

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